
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from MacroBusiness

Australians on the hook for Victoria’s budget waste

May 9, 2024 - 08:00 -- Admin

The Australian’s Judith Sloan has backed former Australian Treasury official Stephen Anthony’s prediction that Victoria now may require a bailout from the federal government. The Victorian Budget forecasts net debt of $188 billion by 2027-28, up from $115 billion in 2022-23: That means that each Victorian resident would owe $25,300 per head in state debt

Victoria’s greatest deficit: brains

May 9, 2024 - 00:05 -- Admin

Long-term failed Victorian Treasure Tim “Ponzi” Pallas rolls out an effigy of himself (lest somebody set it on fire) and presses play on a recorded budget message unchanged in years. In his address to the Melbourne Press Club and the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s post-budget lunch, the state treasurer continued to emphasise that

Macro Afternoon

May 8, 2024 - 17:00 -- Admin

Risk is taking a pause in Asia with most stock markets giving up their start of week gains due to the uneasy lead from Wall Street overnight and rumblings of more conflict in the Middle East. The USD is firming against most of the majors as interest rate concerns dominate with the Australian dollar sliding

SLOOS collides with US small business

May 8, 2024 - 14:00 -- Admin

Goldman with the note. BOTTOM LINE:The Federal Reserve’s April 2024 Senior Loan Officer OpinionSurvey—conducted for bank lending activity over the first quarter of this year—reported that standards for commercial and industrial (C&I) loans tightened at a similar pace to the prior quarter, while a smaller share of banks reported tightening standards for commercial real estate

Aussie baby boomers power ahead, while everyone else struggles

May 8, 2024 - 13:30 -- Admin

On Tuesday night, I was interviewed by Sky News’ Sharri Markson where I explained how there are “three Australia’s right now, whereby two thirds of Australians are doing it tough, while one third – mostly older Australians that own their homes outright – are getting ahead financially. Edited Transcript: Sharri Markson: Michelle Bullock’s press conference

Global growth in soft recovery

May 8, 2024 - 12:06 -- Admin

Cit with the note. The global services PMI in April rose further into expansionary territory, increasing 0.3 pts to 52.7, with the services PMIs of all major economies showing expansionary levels for the first time since May 2023. The global services PMI has now risen for six consecutive months, and recent gains have been driven
