
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from MacroBusiness

Net to finally close on Aussie property money launderers

May 7, 2024 - 11:00 -- Admin

After nearly two decades of delay, the Albanese government is set to expand money-laundering reporting obligation laws to cover real estate agents, lawyers and accountants, with the potential that 100,000 extra entities will have reporting obligations if the legislation is passed. In 2003, Australia agreed to implement so-called ‘Tranche 2’ global anti-money laundering (AML) rules

Australia must hard cap international student numbers

May 7, 2024 - 10:30 -- Admin

The Albanese government’s soft “crackdown” on dodgy student visa applications has seen rejection rates rise, especially for second-tier educational providers: According to the following chart from Justin Fabo at Antipodean Macro, student visa grant rates have sharply decreased this year, indicating lower numbers in the future: This fall in student visa grants has been led

Immigration plunges states deep into debt

May 7, 2024 - 10:00 -- Admin

There are two primary reasons why the federal government loves high immigration. First, immigration boosts the economy, as measured by GDP. Running a high immigration strategy allows the government to claim that it is a competent economic manager, even when per capita GDP growth is negative (as it is currently) and individual living standards are declining.

Macro Morning

May 7, 2024 - 09:00 -- Admin

Wall Street extended its gains from last week’s rebound with optimism across risk markets returning although macro events in the Middle East and some regions on holiday (UK and Japan) could prove unsettling. Nevertheless the USD remains relatively weak against the currency majors like Euro although Yen remains volatile post the BOJ interventions while the

Foreign raiders buy up Australian homes

May 7, 2024 - 08:30 -- Admin

According to new data released by the Federal Treasury, foreign investors purchased over 4700 properties in the first three quarters of 2023 valued at 5.3 billion: Chinese investors led the way, purchasing 1955 homes worth an estimate $2.5 billion in value. Simon Cohen, the founder of Australia’s largest residential property buyer’s agency Cohen Handler, noted

Banks pressure government to pump-up property prices

May 7, 2024 - 00:10 -- Admin

The CEOs of major banks are urging the Federal Government to relax responsible lending standards, which were established following the Banking Royal Commission to safeguard borrowers. “What the big bank bosses are saying, they are not being very specific, they are alluding to two big pieces of regulation”, reports ABC’s Nassim Khadem. “One is the
