
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from MacroBusiness

Why international student caps are sound policy

May 16, 2024 - 11:00 -- Admin

Higher education commentator, Andrew Norton, supports changing international student migration rules and education provider requirements to address issues like “dodgy” colleges, inadequate student preparation, student poverty, and permanently temporary migration. However, Norton has taken aim at the federal government’s announced caps on international student numbers down to a course. Norton claims that capping numbers is

Is the tech bull run over?

May 16, 2024 - 10:00 -- Admin

The MArket Ear warns. As good as it gets Research superstars at BCA says that the US listed companies and mainly tech have just had it too good for too long and that this will not last. US market and US tech is at a structural turning point. With markets at new fresh all-time-highs and

Australian dollar rocket ignites

May 16, 2024 - 09:30 -- Admin

DXY got trapdoored: AUD busted out: A little help from North Asia: Oilmcactus, gold heaven on traditional drives now: Copper loco: Miners were softish: EM to the mooon: Junk risk on: Yields flushed: Stocks ATH: Goldman wraps the data: April core CPI rose 0.29% month-over-month, 1bp below consensus and the slowest pace since December. The

Macro Morning

May 16, 2024 - 09:00 -- Admin

Last night saw the release of the long awaited US inflation print, which came in softer than expected and combined with some other softer economic measures seemingly confirming the inflation genie is getting back into his bottle, US stocks surged to a record high and the bottom fell out of the USD. Euro and Pound

Steel breaks, iron ore next

May 16, 2024 - 08:54 -- Admin

Here’s the chart. Shanghai rebar is off the cliff. Irn ore ore getting there: And the scuttlebutt: The decline is partially because the macro sentiment was affected after finding that the usage of the latestbond issuance is not directly related to the ferrous market, analysts at Shengda Futures said in a note. Both iron ore and

Aussie real wages take another hammering

May 16, 2024 - 08:00 -- Admin

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on Tuesday released data on Australian wage growth, which recorded only 0.8% growth over the March quarter, which was below economists’ expectations of a 0.9% rise. As illustrated in the following charts from Justin Fabo at Antipodean Macro, wages grew in line with Tuesday’s federal budget forecasts but below

Federal budget admits housing problem, omits solutions

May 16, 2024 - 00:05 -- Admin

Tuesday’s federal budget contained an entire section on Australia’s housing crisis. The budget admitted that Australia’s housing supply has not kept pace with turbo-charged growth in the population, which has been brought about by decades of historically high net overseas migration. “Australia’s housing system has been unable to build enough new housing stock to keep

MB Fund Podcast Preview: The Inflation Rollercoaster: Is There Another Drop?

May 15, 2024 - 17:30 -- Admin

US inflation will come this week, and there are forces acting in multiple directions. Rents look weak, and manufacturing points to more price falls. But elsewhere, particularly in wages, the inflation hawks argue there is still dander. Oil has oscillated between being a help and a hindrance to lower inflation. Tune in to this week’s
