
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from The Australian Independent Media Network

Stop funding hate!

May 14, 2024 - 16:53 -- Admin

By Bert Hetebry   The Catholic Archbishop of Tasmania has sent a letter to students of Catholic Schools throughout Tasmania denouncing, no, that word is way too soft, decrying, vilifying, castigating, basically saying he condemns the just about every advance in human rights attained in Australia over the last 30 or so years. Quoting from the…

Dodging the Issue: The Biden Administration Report on Israel’s Use of US Weapons

May 14, 2024 - 14:52 -- Admin

It truly is pushing the envelope of lunacy to assume that this latest revelation was revelatory. US weapons, the wonks in Washington find, are being used by the Israeli Defense Forces to kill their opponents, many of them Palestinians, and most of them civilians. These are detailed in a report ordered by the White House…

Jane Hume: The Best Of The LNP…

May 13, 2024 - 21:22 -- Admin

Ok, to be clear here, Jane Hume is one of the most articulate Liberals and possibly one of the most intelligent… This, of course, is one of the reasons that one cannot seriously entertain voting for the Liberal Party any time in the foreseeable future… It’s a great phrase, isn’t it? “The foreseeable future”…  I…

Planning Australia Futures: Green Light for Transport Oriented Development?

May 13, 2024 - 16:37 -- Admin

By Denis Bright The rediscovery of Transport Oriented Development (TOD) as a planning outreach in NSW is one of the most positive developments in Australian politics. The property market cannot be severed from the unaffordable grip of neoliberal values. However, some short-term tinkering from TOD commitments might improve affordability levels. This article offers some background…

Australian Government’s Draft International Education Framework to Cost Jobs

May 13, 2024 - 15:50 -- Admin

Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) Media Release The most significant outcome of the draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework released by the Australian Government will be job losses across the international education sector. That’s the assessment of the Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA), the peak body representing independent skills training, higher education,…

The Laughing Legend

May 13, 2024 - 15:38 -- Admin

By James Moore   “Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.” – Charles Bukowski. We can never take an accurate measure of what friendships mean to our lives, and even trying can seem futile. Maybe it is not a task designed for humans. How close relationships influence us as individuals and…

The post The Laughing Legend appeared first on The AIM Network.

Health announcement shows misguided investment and wrong priorities: RACGP

May 12, 2024 - 10:57 -- Admin

Royal Australian College of GPs Media Release The Royal Australian College of GPs (RACGP) has warned the Federal Government that it has the wrong priorities when it comes to addressing Australia’s healthcare needs. It comes following the Government announcing an additional 29 urgent care clinics as part of an $8.5 billion federal government investment in…

A Modest Proposal: The UN General Assembly and Palestinian Recognition

May 11, 2024 - 12:34 -- Admin

Despite being described in some circles as such, the latest vote in the United Nations General Assembly on Palestine’s status is hardly extraordinary. For one, it does not vest the Palestinian territories with statehood but burnishes its credentials to join the club. It pushes those scrappy, desperate entities so despoiled and abused into deeper involvement…
