
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from The Australian Independent Media Network

C’mon, we’re better than this

May 19, 2024 - 09:45 -- Admin

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton made his Budget Reply speech last Thursday night. In his speech, he claimed a Coalition Government he led would have reduced permanent migration from 185,000 in the next year to 140,000. telling ABC’s 7.30 immediately after the speech   “It’s not just housing. People know that if you move suburbs, it’s…

Promising the Impossible: Blinken’s Out of Tune Performance in Kyiv

May 18, 2024 - 13:56 -- Admin

Things are looking dire for the Ukrainian war effort. Promises of victory are becoming even hollower than they were last summer, when US President Joe Biden could state with breathtaking obliviousness that Russia had “already lost the war.” The worst offender in this regard remains the United States, which has been the most vocal proponent…

Opposition Budget in Reply: Peter Dutton has no plan on climate change

May 17, 2024 - 14:30 -- Admin

Solutions for Climate Australia Media Release National advocacy group Solutions for Climate Australia called out Opposition Leader Peter Dutton for not making a single mention of climate change in his Budget in Reply. “Climate change poses a great threat to Australia’s way of life,” said Dr Barry Traill, Director of Solutions for Climate Australia. “The…

Understanding the risk

May 16, 2024 - 17:36 -- Admin

It’s often claimed the major supermarkets would prefer to see tonnes of fresh food be dumped rather than sell less than ‘perfect’ fruit and veggies in their shops or some landlords keep perfectly good homes vacant so they can rent them at exorbitant prices for short periods to holiday makers on websites. Economists will tell…

The post Understanding the risk appeared first on The AIM Network.

Climate pollution and petrol bills coming down as New Vehicle Efficiency Standard set to pass Parliament

May 16, 2024 - 14:31 -- Admin

Climate Council Media Release AUSTRALIA IS OFF AND RACING on the road to cleaner cars that are cheaper to run, with the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard securing the support of Federal Parliament today. This reform is decades overdue, however, with the standard set to start next year, Australians will finally have access to more low…


May 16, 2024 - 10:06 -- Admin

It’s time we reckoned with what it means to become a corporatocracy. Our governments exist to enact the desires of their corporate masters. Some of these politicians, like Madeleine King, appear to do so with alacrity, while others appear lost in the perceived demands of party and pressure groups. The end result will be an…

The post Corporatocracy appeared first on The AIM Network.

Plan B

May 15, 2024 - 21:13 -- Admin

By James Moore   Every time there is a release of a New York Times/Siena poll of the presidential race, the rational mind is confounded in the extreme. And, yes, I know, polls are only snapshots taken of a moment in time and that methodologies are often flawed and we really ought to be looking at…

The post Plan B appeared first on The AIM Network.

Australian federal budget falls flat in tackling inequality: Oxfam

May 15, 2024 - 14:05 -- Admin

In response to the 2024 federal budget, Oxfam Australia Interim Director of Programs Rod Goodbun said:   “In a time of unprecedented global crises, conflict, and rising inequality, the Australian Government’s federal budget lacks ambition to truly tackle inequality at home and abroad.  “The decision to keep aid and humanitarian funding at historically low levels this…

Budget Futures in a Time of Global Economic Nationalism

May 15, 2024 - 13:34 -- Admin

By Denis Bright Jim Chalmer’s Budget received a good reception. Commentators identified with the government’s cost-of-living commitments but wanted more targeting of this assistance to cope with the growing income and social divides across Australia. In this context, the LNP’s calls for spending restraint have little support in the wider community. LNP supporters should decide…
