
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from The Australian Independent Media Network

Don’t ignore the flurry of activity by Australia’s radicalising right

June 4, 2024 - 15:44 -- Admin

The “great patriotic conference in Madrid” has echoes in a flurry of National Conservative (NatCon) activity in Australia. Here too, corporate dollars keep the illiberal project afloat. This is the second in a pair of essays. The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) has stepped up its efforts after its October conference in London. Campbell Newman’s…

The international radical right is built by the corporate dollar

June 4, 2024 - 15:44 -- Admin

In Australia and around the world, the far right is actively working and meeting, aiming to recreate their nations in a form most of us do not want. In Spain recently, a “great patriotic convention” was staged, bringing together the far-right parties of Europe and beyond. In Australia, their affiliated networks are working, largely out…

Illicit drugs: government spending lowest on prevention and harm reduction, shows new report

June 4, 2024 - 15:25 -- Admin

UNSW Sydney Media Release  Governments in Australia spent nearly $5.5 billion on illicit drug countermeasures in 2021/2022, but less than 10 per cent went towards strategies aimed at preventing use and reducing negative consequences. Australian governments spend more on law enforcement in illicit drug policy than treatment, prevention and harm reduction combined, says a UNSW…

An Innocent Man?

June 2, 2024 - 19:05 -- Admin

By James Moore   “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone mis doing it” – Saint Augustine. If Donald Trump is a “very innocent man,” then I am the sheikh of an OPEC nation. His baseless degradations of his guilty verdict were expected but I was not…

The post An Innocent Man? appeared first on The AIM Network.

Government cracks down on child sexual exploitation online

May 31, 2024 - 15:11 -- Admin

International Justice Mission (IJM) Australia congratulates the Communications Minister for strengthening Australia’s Basic Online Safety Expectations (BOSE) to better protect children from online sexual exploitation and abuse. Commencing today, the BOSE Amendment Determination includes new provisions that require tech companies operating in Australia to design products and services with child safety in mind before rolling…

Australia is only racist for some

May 30, 2024 - 17:59 -- Admin

By Bert Hetebry My family arrived in Australia in 1954. It was a white Australia we came to, essentially a sort of reflection of an English society. We were Dutch, and my parents held fast to many of the Dutch traditions, attending a Dutch church, celebrating St Nicholas instead of the commercialised English/Australian Christmas, at…

Climate groups say Australia must advocate for loss and damage finance for Pacific at Bonn Climate Change Conference

May 30, 2024 - 14:49 -- Admin

Climate Action Network Australia (CANA) and Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) Media Release Civil society groups from across Australia and the Pacific are calling on the Australian Government to champion loss and damage finance for Pacific Island countries at the upcoming Bonn UN Climate Change Conference, saying there is an urgent need to support…
