
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from The Australian Independent Media Network

Trump’s Folly

December 1, 2024 - 21:58 -- Admin

By James Moore   We thought we were clever but I suspect we were mostly naive and maybe even a bit rude. Down on U.S. Highway 83, south of Laredo and along the border with Mexico, there was an old community rising up out of the waters of Falcon Lake. Guerrero Viejo had been submerged after…

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Sir, he copied my homework

December 1, 2024 - 14:17 -- Admin

The last week of the Senate sittings for 2024 was ‘hectic’, ‘confused’, ‘a shambles’ or ‘getting it done’, depending on who you want to believe. The thing is that Prime Minister Albanese’s ALP Government got most of what they wanted out of the legislative logjam in the Senate and converted it into actual legislation. Again,…

The logistics of death and the longterm relationship

December 1, 2024 - 09:50 -- Admin

I lost my husband, unexpectedly and traumatically, recently. The only way I can make something better of the experience is to pass on suggestions to other people to make their own future catastrophe less crushingly irritating and gut-churning panic inducing. (This is a work in progress: advice from professionals and those who’ve lived through it…

Political Futures: Living with a New Spike in MAGA Politics – The Forthcoming Economic Dimensions

December 1, 2024 - 00:15 -- Admin

By Denis Bright   The return of another intensified round of Make America Great Again (MAGA) politics has real implications for the national sovereignty of Middle Powers like Australia and a few dozen developed countries in this broad category. Humanity has survived spikes in MAGA Politics at intermittent intervals since the end of the US Civil…

Labor and LNP Cooperation in Unpopular Policies

November 30, 2024 - 21:04 -- Admin

By Denis Hay Description: Explore Labor and LNP cooperation, how bipartisan deals harm democracy, and how Australia can reform using monetary sovereignty. Introduction The Australian Labor Party has long stood as the champion of workers and the underprivileged. Yet, in recent years, it has become increasingly common to see Labor aligning with the Liberal National…

Gallic Stubbornness: France, Netanyahu and the ICC Arrest Warrants

November 30, 2024 - 14:13 -- Admin

The comity of nations, at least when it comes to international humanitarian law, took a rather curious turn with the announcement by France that it would regard Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s immunity as unimpeachable even before an arrest warrant approved by the International Criminal Court. This view was expressed despite France claiming to be…

Top 10 Social Issues Australia: A Comprehensive Guide

November 29, 2024 - 20:49 -- Admin

By Denis Hay Description: Top 10 Social Issues Australia Discover the top 10 social issues Australia, from wealth inequality to climate change, and learn actionable solutions for a more inclusive future. Introduction Australia, often hailed for its high living standards, still grapples with a range of pressing social issues. At the core of these problems…

First Nations wisdom plays key role in saving critically endangered Philippine eagle

November 29, 2024 - 13:49 -- Admin

Charles Darwin University Media Release A First Nations conservation and land management program from the Northern Territory is playing a key role in saving the national bird of the Philippines, the critically endangered Philippine eagle. A group of Philippine rangers and Indigenous leaders have been in Gove this week taking part in extensive field work and learning on Country with Yolŋu rangers…
