
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from The Australian Independent Media Network

Soup. Yes, Soup

June 29, 2024 - 17:26 -- Admin

By Maria Millers When it’s cold, or you’re feeling miserable, what food do you turn to for comfort? For many of us, the answer is soup. When prepared with the right ingredients, soup can be a truly healthy dish with multiple nutritional benefits as well as having a positive impact on your emotional and psychological…

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Next Candidate Up

June 28, 2024 - 18:39 -- Admin

By James Moore   “Time is the school in which we learn, Time is the fire in which we burn.” – Delmore Schwartz, Poet. I had feared the debate was going to be a signal moment that showed President Biden’s age, but even my grimmest visions did not live up to what happened on CNN. My…

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Assange’s Release: Exposing the Craven Media Stable

June 28, 2024 - 13:47 -- Admin

The WikiLeaks project was always going to put various noses out of joint in the journalistic profession. Soaked and blighted by sloth, easily bought, perennially envious, a good number of the Fourth Estate have always preferred to remain uncritical of power and sympathetic to its brutal exercise. For those reasons, the views of Thomas Carlyle,…

Labour productivity at a standstill in March quarter

June 28, 2024 - 09:54 -- Admin

Productivity Commission Media Release The Productivity Commission’s latest productivity bulletin shows labour productivity stagnated in the March quarter, with a 0.1% increase in output matched by a similar increase in hours worked. This figure means that there was no labour productivity growth over the 12 months to March 2024 with the level remaining just above…

The Release of Julian Assange: Plea Deals and Dark Legacies

June 27, 2024 - 17:02 -- Admin

One of the longest sagas of political persecution is coming to its terminus. That is, if you believe in final chapters. Nothing about the fate of Julian Assange seems determinative. His accusers and inquisitors will draw some delight at the plea deal reached between the WikiLeaks founder’s legal team and the US Department of Justice.…

An Albury conference exposes what freedom means on the Right

June 27, 2024 - 11:55 -- Admin

The Triple Conference took place in Albury in March. Conspiracists and hustlers appeared alongside the well-meaning and self-important to inform a small audience of largely white-haired elders about the North Korean conditions overtaking Australia. We are dark in politics and spirit. The “triple” in the name referred to the uniting of three distinct events. The third…

GoFundMe: The Nuclear Option!

June 27, 2024 - 10:04 -- Admin

Remember when the LNP were in government and Peter Dutton set up a GoFundMe for Queensland flood relief? Of course, there’s nothing wrong with doing something like that. I mean, it’s a good thing, isn’t it, that he gave people the opportunity to help support those who were flood victims because he knew that many…

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On eve of a military training exercise with Israel, Australian civil society organisations redouble call for end to military cooperation

June 26, 2024 - 13:31 -- Admin

ActionAid Media Release Leading Australian human rights organisations are calling on Defence Minister Marles and the Australian Government to withdraw from RIMPAC, an upcoming military training exercise with the Israel Defense Forces due to take place in Hawai’i, from 26 June – 2 August. ActionAid Australia, The Australia Palestine Advocacy Network and the Australian Centre…

The Release of Julian Assange: Plea Deals and Dark Legacies

June 26, 2024 - 13:14 -- Admin

One of the longest sagas of political persecution is coming to its terminus. That is, if you believe in final chapters. Nothing about the fate of Julian Assange seems determinative. His accusers and inquisitors will draw some delight at the plea deal reached between the WikiLeaks founder’s legal team and the US Department of Justice.…
