
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from The Australian Independent Media Network

I hate paying tax!

June 21, 2024 - 17:36 -- Admin

By Bert Hetebry Before my retirement my workmate Paul said he hates working overtime because he pays way too much tax on the money earned. We talked about this time and again as he knocked off while there was still work to be done. His departure threw that workload onto those who stayed back. At…

The post I hate paying tax! appeared first on The AIM Network.

Quixotic Regulation: Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Capitulates

June 21, 2024 - 11:51 -- Admin

It was given top billing, a near absurd show intended to rope in content on a global social media platform, thereby denying all outside Australia access to it. Because an Australian official had deemed a video too disturbing and offensive for Australians of ordinary sensibility (the standard remains opaquely absurd), the world’s citizenry were also…

Australian Futures: Bringing AUKUS Out of Stealth Mode

June 21, 2024 - 07:31 -- Admin

By Denis Bright   With both sides of the mainstream Australian political divide supporting the AUKUS deal, debate about the merits of this commitment by Scott Morrison has largely gone into recess. As the third anniversary of Scott Morrison’s announcement of the AUKUS deal on 16 September 2021 approaches, there is growing confidence in the defence…

Dutton to ‘force poisons’ onto the lands of Traditional Owners, can’t be trusted with nuclear

June 20, 2024 - 13:01 -- Admin

Queensland Conservation Council Press Release Queensland Conservation Council strongly opposes the introduction of nuclear power into Australia, and calls on opposition Leader Peter Dutton to abandon his dangerous proposal to site nuclear power on the country of First Nations people. Australia has a shameful history of forcing nuclear harm on First Nations, with the explosion…

Dutton’s nuclear nightmare a blatant attempt to keep burning coal and gas

June 19, 2024 - 14:45 -- Admin

Friends of the Earth Media Release National environmental justice group Friends of the Earth Australia (FoE) has slammed opposition leader Peter Dutton’s release of the Coalition nuclear policy, describing it as a nuclear nightmare and a cynical ploy to keep burning coal and gas. Nuclear is simply too expensive and will take far too long…

Dutton’s climate policy: Let it burn

June 19, 2024 - 14:15 -- Admin

Climate Council Media Release THE CLIMATE COUNCIL has slammed the Coalition’s energy scheme as “a smokescreen for its commitment to coal and gas” and “radioactive greenwash”, which would delay Australia’s urgent and accelerating shift to clean energy and away from fossil fuels. Analysis of Dutton’s scheme shows it has a gaping hole at its heart.…

Nuclear is a fantasy, not a climate policy

June 19, 2024 - 13:20 -- Admin

Solutions for Climate Australia Media Release Coalition’s nuclear fantasy would create billions of tonnes more climate pollution The federal Coalition’s announcement today that they would transition Australia to nuclear reactors is a dangerous distraction from the urgent need to take action to reduce climate pollution this decade. Solutions for Climate Australia director Dr Barry Traill:…

Australian Koala Foundation research calls for urgent protection of Victorian Koalas, amid flawed Koala Management Strategy

June 19, 2024 - 12:05 -- Admin

Australian Koala Foundation Media Release The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) has today released a research paper outlining deep concern about the critical issue of habitat loss across Victoria, the true threat to koala populations. The Victorian Government’s Koala Management Strategy (VKMS) released in May 2023 completely misses the mark in securing the future of Koalas…
